- /d/documents/pictures/Canada/food, restaurants, shops/

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12/25/2024 1:41 PM 445256 20221210_190357.jpg
12/25/2024 1:41 PM 435465 20221210_190402.jpg
12/12/2022 10:55 AM 1109789 20221212_105547.jpg
3/9/2023 9:50 AM 1271604 20230309_095041.jpg
9/13/2011 4:49 PM 132041 Allan's 43rd birthday dinner at Montana's 001.jpg
9/13/2011 4:50 PM 124393 Allan's 43rd birthday dinner at Montana's 002.jpg
9/13/2011 4:50 PM 151031 Allan's 43rd birthday dinner at Montana's 003.jpg
9/13/2011 4:51 PM 133796 Allan's 43rd birthday dinner at Montana's 004.jpg
9/13/2011 5:25 PM 116077 Allan's 43rd birthday dinner at Montana's 005.jpg
9/13/2011 5:26 PM 130033 Allan's 43rd birthday dinner at Montana's 006.jpg
9/13/2011 5:35 PM 136351 Allan's 43rd birthday dinner at Montana's 007.jpg
7/14/2024 9:48 AM 2620775 almond butter and banana on toast 20240711_091149.jpg
9/23/2018 7:16 PM 4379039 apple sauce jars 20180923_201623.jpg
2/12/2023 5:56 PM 1330580 banana chips made in air fryer 20221215_171223.jpg
8/27/2024 11:01 AM 2934070 barbecue with leftover coal, wood 20240827_120155.jpg
8/25/2024 5:05 PM 3798867 barbecued pork steaks 20240825_180548.jpg
8/25/2024 5:22 PM 3644624 barbecued pork steaks 20240825_182232.jpg
8/25/2024 5:35 PM 4085420 barbecued pork steaks 20240825_183513.jpg
3/19/2013 4:05 PM 1363270 big strawberry IMG_20130319_170522.jpg
3/19/2013 4:05 PM 1470994 big strawberry IMG_20130319_170536.jpg
3/19/2013 4:05 PM 1255764 big strawberry IMG_20130319_170558.jpg
8/25/2024 8:32 AM 2315985 breakfast - coffee, cheese bagel, yogourt with blueberries 20240825_093232.jpg
10/24/2021 8:08 AM 4103661 breakfast and newspaper 20211024_090836.jpg
9/30/2018 8:51 AM 3451494 breakfast bagel peanut butter and tomato 20180930_095140.jpg
4/14/2023 9:07 AM 1365423 cat at Peavey Mart 20230414_100759.jpg
3/17/2017 9:50 PM 134252 cereal with fruit, blue bowl 20170317_225023.jpg
6/27/2023 8:09 AM 2922108 cerearl PC Organics Muesli with coconut 20230627_084316.jpg
10/24/2021 5:32 PM 3752503 cheese 20211024_183235 Yorkshire Wensleydale & Cranberries, Aizlynn.jpg
10/24/2021 6:24 PM 3290877 cheese 20211024_192420 Yorkshire Wensleydale & Cranberries, Aizlynn.jpg
8/27/2014 4:59 PM 1989083 chicken & salad dinner 20140827_175935.jpg
8/27/2014 4:59 PM 1989083 chicken and salad dinner 20140827_175935.jpg
5/31/2018 8:20 PM 489884 chicken dinner 20140827_175935 a.jpg
8/27/2014 4:59 PM 1989083 chicken dinner 20140827_175935.jpg.jpg
2/12/2022 6:35 PM 1783721 chicken dinner 20220212_183537.jpg
2/12/2022 6:35 PM 1788044 chicken dinner stuffing 20220212_183542.jpg
11/8/2023 8:20 AM 977606 chicken, rice, corn, salad supper 20230830_202342.jpg
12/25/2024 10:06 AM 2857042 Christmas turkey dinner 20241225_100645 browned onions.jpg
12/25/2024 10:06 AM 2412107 Christmas turkey dinner 20241225_100653 green beans to cook.jpg
12/25/2024 10:06 AM 2548033 Christmas turkey dinner 20241225_100658 carrots to cook.jpg
12/25/2024 10:07 AM 2478017 Christmas turkey dinner 20241225_100710 apple, raisins for stuffing.jpg
12/25/2024 10:13 AM 2992276 Christmas turkey dinner 20241225_101340 chicken hearts and gizzards.jpg
12/25/2024 10:15 AM 2410114 Christmas turkey dinner 20241225_101539 chicken gizzards in food processor.jpg
12/25/2024 10:16 AM 2336413 Christmas turkey dinner 20241225_101657 ground chicken gizzards.jpg
12/25/2024 10:55 AM 2765362 Christmas turkey dinner 20241225_105508 stuffing.jpg
12/25/2024 11:03 AM 2826543 Christmas turkey dinner 20241225_110338 wrapped turkey.jpg
12/25/2024 11:03 AM 3303112 Christmas turkey dinner 20241225_110350 wrapped turkey.jpg
10/7/2018 10:15 AM 3490715 coffee cup at Starbucks 20181007_111351.jpg
9/3/2023 1:25 PM 2540567 corn on the cob in microwave 20230903_142538 cut off stem.jpg
11/8/2023 8:27 AM 1078240 corn on the cob in microwave 20230903_142640 remove husks.jpg
9/3/2023 1:27 PM 2544760 corn on the cob in microwave 20230903_142710 add water.jpg
9/3/2023 1:27 PM 2612552 corn on the cob in microwave 20230903_142726 microwave.jpg
9/3/2023 1:29 PM 2447981 corn on the cob in microwave 20230903_142907 turn over.jpg
9/3/2023 1:35 PM 2492344 corn on the cob in microwave 20230903_143557 pull off silk and husks.jpg
9/3/2023 1:36 PM 3204973 corn on the cob in microwave 20230903_143633 silk and husks removed.jpg
11/8/2023 8:27 AM 1250173 corn on the cob in microwave 20230903_143646 take a bite.jpg
9/3/2023 1:24 PM 2618953 corn on the cob, how to microwave 20230903_142429.jpg
11/8/2023 8:27 AM 1032348 corn on the cob, how to microwave 20230903_142511.jpg
10/5/2018 9:36 AM 1654248 crepes 20181005_103618.jpg
10/5/2018 9:36 AM 1706100 crepes 20181005_103656.jpg
10/5/2018 10:23 AM 1393202 crepes 20181005_112351.jpg
8/23/2024 9:20 AM 2301757 Crisco Golden shortening yellow 20240823_102000.jpg
8/23/2024 9:20 AM 2627680 Crisco Golden shortening yellow 20240823_102014.jpg
5/21/2022 6:31 PM 1986050 Dominos pizza 20220521_193117.jpg
10/24/2018 10:43 AM 1157405 Earl Grey Tea at Good Earth Coffee House 20181024_114304.jpg
6/27/2023 8:14 AM 2625563 Earth's Own original oat drink (with bacon, eggs, bottled water, Coca Cola) 20230627_091450.jpg
9/16/2011 11:57 AM 136462 food 001 bowl of blueberries.jpg
9/22/2011 11:24 PM 128100 food 002 pork, tomato omelet.jpg
9/22/2011 11:25 PM 79659 food 003 coffee.jpg
9/23/2011 5:43 PM 4252916 food 004 vegetables.JPG
9/23/2011 5:43 PM 4430015 food 005 corn on the cob, chicken pie.JPG
9/23/2011 7:36 PM 3985222 food 006 red seedless grapes.JPG
9/24/2011 7:26 PM 3435743 food 007 ham sandwich.JPG
12/17/2022 8:16 AM 1083859 french toast in frying pan 20221217_081617.jpg
12/17/2022 8:43 AM 950755 french toast with blueberries, apple 20221217_084330.jpg
12/17/2022 8:29 AM 1214357 fruit, coffee (breakfast) 20221217_082945.jpg
12/17/2022 11:57 AM 1342778 groceries 20221217_115727.jpg
12/17/2022 11:57 AM 1219579 groceries 20221217_115740.jpg
12/17/2022 12:04 PM 1147457 groceries free run eggs 20221217_120444.jpg
8/3/2024 2:23 PM 2820792 Hamilton Beach pressure cooker 20240803_152334.jpg
8/3/2024 3:09 PM 2791763 Hamilton Beach pressure cooker 20240803_160952 on.jpg
8/8/2024 10:05 AM 107849205 Hamilton Beach pressure cooker 20240804_122235 c1 chicken, potatoes.mp4
8/4/2024 11:25 AM 389800435 Hamilton Beach pressure cooker 20240804_122235 letting off steam.mp4
10/22/2021 4:29 PM 3535260 humble supper 20211022_172956.jpg
2/29/2024 9:33 AM 3271722 Leap Day at Starbucks 20240229_093202.jpg
10/24/2023 3:52 PM 3968458 meatloaf muffins 20231024_165205.jpg
6/6/2020 5:56 PM 2964788 Moxie's rib dinner 20200529_161905.jpg
8/23/2014 12:52 PM 2433252 pizza, hot dog, drink from Costco 2014-08-23 13-52-35.jpg
8/3/2024 2:54 PM 2773461 pressure cooker food 20240803_155400 lentils.jpg
8/3/2024 2:54 PM 2410474 pressure cooker food 20240803_155404 mixed vegetables.jpg
8/3/2024 3:17 PM 2512424 pressure cooker food 20240803_161718 Tom Yum paste.jpg
8/8/2024 9:31 AM 822413 pressure cooker food 20240803_161725 fermented bean paste, chili pepper paste.jpg
3/19/2017 1:24 PM 96207 Randy Holmber & Allan's Chinese food delivered to Lethbridge College 20170319_142414.jpg
3/19/2017 1:26 PM 129918 Randy Holmber & Allan's Chinese food delivered to Lethbridge College 20170319_142631.jpg
6/27/2023 8:16 AM 2607247 Silk Organic Soy drink 20230627_091426.jpg
2/27/2022 6:50 PM 2544481 Smitty's 20220227_185029 Ukrainian skillet.jpg
2/27/2022 6:50 PM 1913999 Smitty's 20220227_185031 Floyd's turkey dinner.jpg
9/3/2017 11:19 AM 3885429 smoked pork 20170903_121901.jpg
9/3/2017 11:19 AM 3359714 smoked pork 20170903_121907.jpg
9/3/2017 11:19 AM 3691116 smoked pork 20170903_121956.jpg
9/3/2017 5:03 PM 3002372 smoked pork 20170903_180355.jpg
11/8/2023 8:18 AM 961345 steak, eggs, hashbrowns, nectarine breakfast 20230903_091706.jpg
6/2/2023 7:02 PM 2598617 stuffed peppers 20230602_200252 mushrooms, soup broth.jpg
6/2/2023 7:02 PM 3155677 stuffed peppers 20230602_200256 beef, turkey, tomato.jpg
6/2/2023 7:03 PM 3468416 stuffed peppers 20230602_200306 frozen beef, turkey.jpg
6/2/2023 7:03 PM 2721113 stuffed peppers 20230602_200314 half peppers.jpg
6/3/2023 6:53 PM 2646855 stuffed peppers 20230602_200430 dried onion, parsley.jpg
6/3/2023 6:53 PM 2784828 stuffed peppers 20230602_200440 parmesan cheese.jpg
6/3/2023 6:53 PM 2566597 stuffed peppers 20230602_200458 rice.jpg
6/2/2023 7:06 PM 3549503 stuffed peppers 20230602_200644 parmesan added.jpg
6/2/2023 7:07 PM 2827052 stuffed peppers 20230602_200759 simmer.jpg
6/2/2023 7:14 PM 3012233 stuffed peppers 20230602_201403 add rice.jpg
6/2/2023 7:18 PM 3423737 stuffed peppers 20230602_201847 ready to stuff peppers.jpg
6/2/2023 7:23 PM 2614101 stuffed peppers 20230602_202345 in air fryer.jpg
6/2/2023 7:23 PM 2564773 stuffed peppers 20230602_202358 in air fryer.jpg
6/2/2023 7:49 PM 2275129 stuffed peppers 20230602_204946 done.jpg
6/2/2023 8:44 PM 2832403 stuffed peppers 20230602_214404 done.jpg
6/2/2023 8:44 PM 3241227 stuffed peppers 20230602_214408 leftover stuffing.jpg
12/17/2022 12:14 PM 1193302 Tang from Rene 20221217_121454.jpg
6/12/2024 10:55 AM 3955559 Triscuits from Walmart and Real Canadian Superstore 20240612_115547.jpg
2/10/2012 7:09 AM 1904841 turkey soup broth 001.JPG
2/10/2012 7:12 AM 1898450 turkey soup broth 002.JPG