- /d/documents/pictures/Canada/home/2917 29 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB/

[To Parent Directory]

11/13/2011 10:55 PM 430339 001.png
11/13/2011 10:55 PM 367821 002.png
2/5/2022 8:09 PM 2182677 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20220205_200952 panel above sink.jpg
5/9/2022 12:36 PM 1987211 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20220509_133607 collectables shelf.jpg
12/18/2022 5:46 AM 972513 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_054653 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 5:46 AM 988601 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_054654 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 6:01 AM 1039142 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_060119 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 6:01 AM 1502080 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_060123 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 11:28 AM 1057441 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_112802 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 11:28 AM 852156 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_112821 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 11:28 AM 1254954 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_112827 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 11:34 AM 1269934 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_113422 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 11:34 AM 1081493 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_113429 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 11:34 AM 1325461 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_113445 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 3:58 PM 1066990 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_155810 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 4:05 PM 1273713 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_160502 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 4:39 PM 1395434 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_163937 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 4:46 PM 1616637 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_164647 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 4:46 PM 1463597 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_164652 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 10:31 PM 932466 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_223124 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 10:43 PM 1080838 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_224359 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 10:44 PM 1252180 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_224405 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 10:44 PM 1121761 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_224420 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 10:44 PM 1079235 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_224432 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
12/18/2022 10:44 PM 1062884 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20221218_224459 sewer pipe blocked.jpg
1/29/2023 10:30 AM 1036017 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20230129_103039 old toilet.jpg
1/29/2023 10:30 AM 1225582 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20230129_103042 new toilet.jpg
1/29/2023 11:02 AM 1015472 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20230129_110215 old toilet.jpg
1/29/2023 11:05 AM 1136600 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20230129_110527 new toilet.jpg
1/30/2023 8:51 AM 708224 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20230130_085132 old toilet.jpg
11/3/2024 6:35 PM 2376385 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20241103_183502 green receptacles.jpg
11/3/2024 6:35 PM 2264774 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20241103_183508 green receptacles.jpg
11/23/2024 12:35 PM 1293116 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB 20241123_123544 Floyd's bedroom dresser with heat holes.jpg
12/20/2014 3:07 PM 157852 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB Sutton Realty page c1.jpg
10/12/2011 8:20 AM 890705 2917 29 Ave S Lethbridge AB Sutton Realty page.jpg
9/28/2023 7:53 AM <dir> add-on renovations
8/12/2021 8:11 PM <dir> asphalt
8/12/2021 8:12 PM <dir> back excavation
11/18/2020 10:52 AM 1692480 birdseed bell 20201114_175024 outside.jpg
11/18/2020 10:51 AM 1557737 birdseed bell 20201117_120532 bird looking in.jpg
10/16/2021 2:51 PM 4549656 communications box 20211016_155156.jpg
4/23/2012 4:16 PM 1322426 entranceway hall renovations 001.jpg
4/23/2012 4:16 PM 1400494 entranceway hall renovations 002.jpg
4/23/2012 4:16 PM 1349836 entranceway hall renovations 003.jpg
4/23/2012 4:16 PM 1299787 entranceway hall renovations 004.jpg
10/23/2023 9:26 PM 4321151 first snow of the season 20231023_222624.jpg
10/24/2023 7:31 AM 4955671 first snow of the season, next morning 20231024_083155.jpg
6/18/2024 7:16 AM <dir> flooring
4/22/2012 5:02 PM 2728120 flower bed 001 digging up dirt.jpg
9/18/2019 5:05 PM 3371377 Floyd's wooden birdbath 20190918_180549.jpg
9/18/2019 5:05 PM 3682297 Floyd's wooden birdbath 20190918_180550.jpg
9/18/2019 5:06 PM 64333362 Floyd's wooden birdbath 20190918_180557.mp4
7/14/2024 1:11 PM <dir> garage
7/4/2024 8:59 AM <dir> gardens
11/5/2016 10:02 AM 1957721 hair on the chair 20161026_160558.jpg
10/10/2021 2:29 PM 3893292 hole in siding 20211010_152931.jpg
10/10/2021 2:29 PM 4046226 hole in siding 20211010_152933.jpg
10/10/2021 2:29 PM 2818238 hole in siding 20211010_152950.jpg
10/27/2018 4:31 PM 7023908 landscaping flower garden 20181027_173103.jpg
10/27/2018 4:31 PM 4019937 landscaping flower garden 20181027_173114.jpg
10/27/2018 4:34 PM 7367997 landscaping flower garden 20181027_173412.jpg
10/27/2018 5:28 PM 4689536 landscaping flower garden 20181027_182803.jpg
8/12/2021 8:12 PM <dir> mould renovations
12/8/2021 9:02 PM 3167789 mouse 20211208_210202.jpg
8/12/2021 8:12 PM <dir> new house
6/27/2015 1:31 PM 1934524 old laundry faucets 20150627_143124.jpg
6/27/2015 1:31 PM 2101098 old laundry faucets 20150627_143133.jpg
6/2/2024 6:19 AM <dir> other
7/23/2018 8:30 PM 4559791 rain barrels 20180723_213006.jpg
9/2/2017 6:29 PM 2266679 repairing Annette & Floyd's bedroom light 20170902_192928.jpg
9/2/2017 6:29 PM 2064029 repairing Annette & Floyd's bedroom light 20170902_192935.jpg
9/2/2017 6:30 PM 2163740 repairing Annette & Floyd's bedroom light 20170902_193034.jpg
4/22/2024 12:23 PM <dir> Rheem heat pump air conditioner mini-split
8/12/2021 8:12 PM <dir> roof repairs
11/5/2016 10:10 AM 3317256 sawdust from window installation 20161014_152856.jpg
11/5/2016 10:10 AM 2437427 sawdust from window installation 20161014_152900.jpg
11/5/2016 10:09 AM 2871741 sawdust from window installation 20161014_152906.jpg
11/5/2016 10:09 AM 1177687 sawdust from window installation 20161014_153237.jpg
11/5/2016 10:09 AM 1258126 sawdust from window installation 20161014_153245.jpg
4/9/2012 9:25 AM 1253034 screen door from 2917 001.jpg
8/12/2021 8:12 PM <dir> shed
1/17/2012 5:58 PM 1177608 sitting room 001.jpg
1/17/2012 5:58 PM 1259061 sitting room 002.jpg
1/17/2012 5:58 PM 1191101 sitting room 003.jpg
2/11/2012 11:12 AM 400993 sitting room 004 black leather rocking chair 001.jpg
10/24/2021 10:30 AM 4193742 smoke detector, new 20211024_113004.jpg
10/24/2021 10:30 AM 2889788 smoke detector, new 20211024_113009.jpg
10/24/2021 10:41 AM 3335712 smoke detector, old, assembly mistake 20211024_114106.jpg
9/1/2022 6:54 AM 1873718 smoky sunrise 20220901_075448.jpg
2/17/2024 5:34 PM <dir> wildflower garden
8/8/2024 10:15 AM <dir> wildlife