- /d/documents/pictures/Canada/Parkbridge Estates/

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8/18/2014 7:31 PM 4529069 apples in trees 20140818_193146.jpg
8/18/2014 7:31 PM 3701007 apples in trees 20140818_193153.jpg
8/13/2020 6:39 PM 103021696 baby bird on chicken wire fence 20200813_183839.mp4
7/15/2012 6:25 PM 1423766 big light brown rabbit in front yard 20120715_182530_1.jpg
7/15/2012 6:25 PM 1411277 big light brown rabbit in front yard 20120715_182538_1.jpg
1/31/2021 12:03 PM 183034022 bird bath with English sparrows 20210131_110238.mp4
9/2/2017 6:34 PM 1123995 bird drinking from birdbath 20170902_183411.jpg
8/14/2016 2:36 PM 5319965 brown rabbit in RV storage 20160814_123635.jpg
8/14/2016 2:36 PM 5163097 brown rabbit in RV storage 20160814_123646.jpg
8/14/2016 2:37 PM 5992413 brown rabbit in RV storage 20160814_123720.jpg
8/14/2016 2:38 PM 89441672 brown rabbit in RV storage 20160814_123815.mp4
11/20/2024 8:33 AM 74819555 buck in neighborhood 20131018_143007.mp4
10/18/2013 2:31 PM 2437049 buck in neighborhood 20131018_143111.jpg
10/18/2013 2:31 PM 1758033 buck in neighborhood 20131018_143123.jpg
10/18/2013 2:31 PM 1777960 buck in neighborhood 20131018_143127(0).jpg
10/18/2013 2:31 PM 1762394 buck in neighborhood 20131018_143127.jpg
10/18/2013 2:31 PM 1780410 buck in neighborhood 20131018_143128.jpg
10/18/2013 2:32 PM 37740466 buck in neighborhood 20131018_143137.mp4
10/18/2013 2:32 PM 4751204 buck in neighborhood 20131018_143208.jpg
10/18/2013 2:32 PM 2491464 buck in neighborhood 20131018_143246.jpg
10/18/2013 2:34 PM 1875780 buck in neighborhood 20131018_143401.jpg
10/18/2013 2:34 PM 1345500 buck in neighborhood 20131018_143430.jpg
10/18/2013 2:37 PM 1992906 buck in neighborhood 20131018_143743.jpg
10/18/2013 2:37 PM 1919402 buck in neighborhood 20131018_143744.jpg
4/6/2020 7:20 PM 290507 couple dressed the same 001 c1.jpg
4/6/2020 7:21 PM 116172 couple dressed the same 001 c2.jpg
12/9/2012 9:14 AM 1852418 couple dressed the same 001.jpg
2/22/2018 3:34 PM 212525480 dashcam 2018_0221_185019_139 5 snowy Parkbridge Estates tour (med).mp4
11/3/2018 9:34 AM 3759904 dead magpie bird 20181103_093453.jpg
11/18/2024 2:22 PM 4999239 deer at Ernie & Susan's 20241118_132206.jpg
11/18/2024 2:24 PM 18287349 deer at Ernie & Susan's 20241118_132419.mp4
7/20/2019 11:43 PM 1760921 deer at night 20190720_234303.jpg
7/20/2019 11:43 PM 1986441 deer at night 20190720_234307.jpg
8/17/2024 8:59 PM 2763557 deer buck 4-point in Parkbridge 20240817_205928.jpg
8/17/2024 8:59 PM 3118317 deer buck 4-point in Parkbridge 20240817_205932.jpg
2/17/2018 5:36 PM 1349892 deer crossing street 20180217_163630.jpg
7/1/2019 10:04 PM 1939703 deer drinking from bird bath 20190701_220459.jpg
10/30/2018 6:37 PM 318813857 deer fighting 20181030_191900.mp4
8/4/2016 6:33 PM 1526044 deer in yard 20160725_162629.jpg
8/4/2016 6:32 PM 1669642 deer in yard 20160725_165435.jpg
3/15/2024 7:58 AM 1832417 ducks sitting at strom drain 20240315_075841.jpg
4/6/2020 7:18 PM 397095 fender bender in Parkbridge 20181107_121235 c1.jpg
11/7/2018 1:12 PM 1615338 fender bender in Parkbridge 20181107_121235.jpg
7/21/2019 5:08 PM 2031076 grasshopper in grarage 20190721_170836.jpg
7/21/2019 5:08 PM 1709543 grasshopper in grarage 20190721_170840.jpg
7/21/2019 5:08 PM 1380380 grasshopper in grarage 20190721_170844.jpg
7/21/2019 5:08 PM 1340987 grasshopper in grarage 20190721_170855.jpg
7/21/2019 5:08 PM 1226144 grasshopper in grarage 20190721_170857.jpg
4/15/2018 8:23 PM 3418723 Lethbridge Police Service car outside Parkbridge Estates 20180414_200138.jpg
7/12/2018 10:41 PM 535899215 mom & baby deer at hall in summer 20180712.mp4
11/12/2018 10:56 PM 587983377 mom & baby deer in winter 20181112_215153.mp4
9/5/2020 8:09 AM 1304888 morning cacophony of birds in trees 20200905_065443 t1.PNG
9/5/2020 7:22 AM 133739411 morning cacophony of birds in trees 20200905_065443.mp4
9/5/2020 8:01 AM 5201156 morning clouds 20200905_065746 c1.jpg
9/5/2020 7:58 AM 3324944 morning clouds 20200905_065746.jpg
9/5/2020 8:00 AM 4790738 morning clouds and moon 20200905_065410 c1.jpg
9/5/2020 7:57 AM 3343408 morning clouds and moon 20200905_065410.jpg
7/14/2024 10:40 AM 10470074 Parkbridge Estates 20240710_182259 hall basement pool table area.jpg
7/14/2024 10:40 AM 2570060 Parkbridge Estates 20240710_182802 hall pool table.jpg
7/14/2024 10:40 AM 1099150 Parkbridge Estates 20240710_182813 Allan, pool table.jpg
8/26/2020 1:32 PM 78825679 Parkbridge Estates bycicle intruder drinking from hose 20200826_133211.mp4
2/15/2022 3:00 PM 2955565 Parkbridge Estates mystery building 3107 28 St S Lethbridge AB 20220215_140025.jpg
6/17/2024 6:31 PM 2241460 Parkbridge Estates West entrance with rainbow 20240513_181908.jpg
8/22/2020 5:29 PM 513231761 Saal Paving at Parkbridge Estates, Lethbridge, AB 2020_0821_115716_003.MP4
8/17/2024 9:04 PM 1749069 tomato crop for the year 20240817_102824.jpg
7/17/2013 9:24 PM 1538281 tornado (microburst) in Parkbridge Estates 20130717_212438.jpg
7/17/2013 9:24 PM 1476396 tornado (microburst) in Parkbridge Estates 20130717_212449.jpg
12/14/2023 3:50 PM 197109551 wild deer eating apples in the yard 20231214_144841.mp4
1/13/2021 10:08 AM 23828819 wind storm, Parkbridge, Lethbridge, AB 20210113_090836 med.mp4
1/13/2021 10:08 AM 23570363 wind storm, Parkbridge, Lethbridge, AB 20210113_090836 med.wmv
1/13/2021 10:08 AM 6792223 wind storm, Parkbridge, Lethbridge, AB 20210113_090836 small.mp4
1/13/2021 10:09 AM 82211396 wind storm, Parkbridge, Lethbridge, AB 20210113_090836.mp4
1/13/2021 10:08 AM 1809954 wind storm, Parkbridge, Lethbridge, AB 20210113_090836.PNG
12/8/2011 3:53 PM 3699875 wine and cheese party 2011 001.JPG
12/8/2011 3:53 PM 3908038 wine and cheese party 2011 002.JPG
12/8/2011 3:54 PM 4003274 wine and cheese party 2011 003.JPG
12/8/2011 4:01 PM 3811875 wine and cheese party 2011 004.JPG
12/8/2011 4:04 PM 3589078 wine and cheese party 2011 005.JPG
12/8/2011 4:14 PM 3582235 wine and cheese party 2011 006.JPG
12/8/2011 4:19 PM 3735235 wine and cheese party 2011 007.JPG
12/8/2011 4:22 PM 3916104 wine and cheese party 2011 008.JPG
12/8/2011 4:22 PM 3567420 wine and cheese party 2011 009.JPG
12/8/2011 4:29 PM 3194563 wine and cheese party 2011 010.JPG
4/16/2018 1:53 PM 3991056 winter scene, Parkbridge Estates 20180413_063703.jpg