- /d/documents/pictures/Canada/family/Annette, Floyd Thompson/

[To Parent Directory]

2/7/2012 9:27 AM 1152352 3D glasses at Movie Mill 001.jpg
2/7/2012 9:28 AM 1266909 3D glasses at Movie Mill 002.jpg
2/7/2012 9:28 AM 1225377 3D glasses at Movie Mill 003.jpg
2/7/2012 9:28 AM 1141407 3D glasses at Movie Mill 004.jpg
6/19/2021 5:35 PM 119646 Aizlynn memorial letter 20210618.pdf
8/1/2008 12:12 PM 2851518 Allan & Floyd's beards 20200822_183000.JPG
8/1/2008 12:13 PM 3201282 Allan & Floyd's beards 20200822_183100.JPG
8/1/2008 12:14 PM 2956239 Allan & Floyd's beards 20200822_183200.JPG
8/1/2008 12:15 PM 3227214 Allan & Floyd's beards 20200822_183300.JPG
8/22/2020 6:36 PM 3118397 Allan & Floyd's beards 20200822_183400.JPG
9/6/2012 11:35 AM 1125560 Allan's birthday dinner IMG_20120906_113525 Taco Time hot sauces.jpg
9/6/2012 11:40 AM 1553511 Allan's birthday dinner IMG_20120906_114024 Taco Time.jpg
9/6/2012 11:40 AM 1589062 Allan's birthday dinner IMG_20120906_114032 Subway.jpg
9/9/2012 12:17 PM 1214960 Allan's birthday dinner IMG_20120909_121725 Annette, Floyd.jpg
9/9/2012 12:17 PM 1254978 Allan's birthday dinner IMG_20120909_121728 Annette, Floyd.jpg
9/9/2012 12:17 PM 371957 Allan's birthday dinner IMG_20120909_121739 Allan, Annette, Floyd.jpg
9/9/2012 12:17 PM 1342320 Allan's birthday dinner IMG_20120909_121746 dinner.jpg
9/9/2012 12:17 PM 1338794 Allan's birthday dinner IMG_20120909_121749 dinner.jpg
9/9/2012 12:17 PM 1453296 Allan's birthday dinner IMG_20120909_121753 dinner and dessert.jpg
9/9/2012 12:18 PM 1384211 Allan's birthday dinner IMG_20120909_121800 seconds.jpg
9/9/2012 12:18 PM 1396775 Allan's birthday dinner IMG_20120909_121803 soup.jpg
9/9/2012 12:43 PM 1378823 Allan's birthday dinner IMG_20120909_124314 dessert.jpg
9/9/2012 12:43 PM 1337357 Allan's birthday dinner IMG_20120909_124317 seconds.jpg
9/9/2012 12:56 PM 1262439 Allan's birthday dinner IMG_20120909_125636 dessert.jpg
9/9/2012 1:08 PM 1453733 Allan's birthday dinner IMG_20120909_130859 Floyd, Annette, Allan.jpg
9/9/2012 1:10 PM 1291595 Allan's birthday dinner IMG_20120909_131025 Allan, Floyd, Annette.jpg
9/27/2011 10:23 AM 474539195 Allan, Annette talking about Korea & Canada 20110927_102300.asf
4/15/2012 8:32 PM 49229173 Allan, Annette talking about retirement money 001.wmv
7/20/2013 7:30 PM 1757674 Annette 20130720_193032 ear rings.jpg
7/20/2013 7:30 PM 2000344 Annette 20130720_193043 ear rings.jpg
12/10/2015 8:03 PM 67805 Annette after eye surgery 2015-12-10 19-03-00 c1.jpg
11/23/2015 4:32 PM 4101413 Annette after eye surgery 2015-12-10 19-03-00.JPG
12/10/2015 9:08 PM 87535 Annette after eye surgery 2015-12-10 20-08-00 c1.jpg
11/23/2015 5:41 PM 4014512 Annette after eye surgery 2015-12-10 20-08-00.JPG
7/28/2020 11:43 AM 45664064 Annette at breakfast 20200818_090800.AVI
1/19/2012 1:51 PM 1128337 Annette at desk 001.jpg
7/15/2012 10:30 PM 15591387 Annette at flower garden 001.wmv
12/28/2020 11:22 PM 36303472 Annette before bed 20201228_221109 low.mp4
12/28/2020 11:22 PM 36811251 Annette before bed 20201228_221109 low.wmv
12/28/2020 11:22 PM 127170398 Annette before bed 20201228_221109.mp4
12/28/2020 11:22 PM 130819251 Annette before bed 20201228_221109.wmv
11/6/2019 3:01 PM 480504858 Annette blood test checkup 20191106_135653.mp4
10/9/2018 3:20 PM 1179162 Annette bruise from needle 20181009_152022 swelling.jpg
10/9/2018 3:20 PM 1306957 Annette bruise from needle 20181009_152028 swelling.jpg
10/9/2018 3:20 PM 1053959 Annette bruise from needle 20181009_152032 swelling.jpg
10/9/2018 6:28 PM 1304127 Annette bruise from needle 20181009_182811 waiting at hospital, eating.jpg
10/10/2018 10:08 AM 1501297 Annette bruise from needle 20181010_100859 next day.jpg
12/5/2013 5:57 PM 228253852 Annette cancer checkup 20131205_165700.AVI
4/7/2023 12:10 PM 67209 Annette cancer checkup 20140206_154500 th1.JPG
2/6/2014 3:45 PM 37130596 Annette cancer checkup 20140206_154500.mp4
2/6/2014 5:39 PM 60751888 Annette cancer checkup 20140206_154500.wmv
8/12/2015 2:41 PM 179622224 Annette cancer checkup 20150812_144100.AVI
2/10/2018 5:23 AM 238673870 Annette cancer drug update 20180329_181500.AVI
9/5/2012 9:43 PM 1273256 Annette drinking coffee 20120905_214358.jpg
1/8/2019 8:55 PM 5698391 Annette eating supper 20190108_175310.jpg
1/8/2019 8:55 PM 5128852 Annette eating supper 20190108_180338.jpg
8/31/2014 6:37 PM 74121374 Annette hick-hick with 7-Up (Glenn in background) 2014-08-31 18-36-29.mp4
7/1/2013 3:39 PM 74348347 Annette hik-hik 20130701_153833.mp4
7/1/2013 4:38 PM 94489743 Annette hik-hik 20130701_153833.wmv
11/5/2018 10:30 PM 4530209 Annette horseshoe scar on arm 20181105_213000.jpg
1/1/2008 1:00 PM 3827434 Annette in fur coat 2008-01-01 12-00-25.JPG
1/1/2008 1:00 PM 3905454 Annette in fur coat 2008-01-01 12-00-42.JPG
1/1/2008 1:00 PM 3851269 Annette in fur coat 2008-01-01 12-00-57.JPG
1/1/2008 1:01 PM 3523749 Annette in fur coat 2008-01-01 12-01-49.JPG
1/1/2008 1:02 PM 3558926 Annette in fur coat 2008-01-01 12-02-05.JPG
8/14/2017 11:51 AM 1334233 Annette in hospital 20170814_115141 on bed in Emergency with Floyd.jpg
8/14/2017 11:51 AM 1215290 Annette in hospital 20170814_115145 on bed in Emergency.jpg
8/14/2017 12:29 PM 175583405 Annette in hospital 20170814_122844 on bed in Emergency, to Angela.mp4
8/14/2017 4:44 PM 3779322 Annette in hospital 20170814_164417 intravenous needles.jpg
8/14/2017 4:44 PM 3805835 Annette in hospital 20170814_164452 on bed in Emergency.jpg
8/14/2017 4:45 PM 3611100 Annette in hospital 20170814_164504 on bed in Emergency.jpg
8/14/2017 4:46 PM 3291355 Annette in hospital 20170814_164638 Emergency room.jpg
8/15/2017 9:37 AM 3587524 Annette in hospital 20170815_093708 4C wing waiting area.jpg
8/20/2017 10:04 PM 2918163 Annette in hospital 20170815_093721 atrium.jpg
8/15/2017 11:04 AM 101405027 Annette in hospital 20170815_105724 message to Aizlynn re needles.mp4
8/15/2017 11:12 AM 3753406 Annette in hospital 20170815_111205 in 4C wing.jpg
8/15/2017 11:13 AM 3440415 Annette in hospital 20170815_111308 view from 4C wing room.jpg
8/15/2017 11:52 AM 3209065 Annette in hospital 20170815_115251 restroom.jpg
8/15/2017 6:17 PM 1153903 Annette in hospital 20170815_181750 food list.jpg
8/15/2017 6:37 PM 3887206 Annette in hospital 20170815_183750 bed controls.jpg
8/15/2017 7:23 PM 5677437 Annette in hospital 20170815_192321 resting.mp4
8/15/2017 7:23 PM 4402649 Annette in hospital 20170815_192338 resting.jpg
8/15/2017 7:59 PM 4157530 Annette in hospital 20170815_195901 intravenous needles.jpg
6/18/2021 3:04 PM 347459 Annette in hospital 20170815_201005 Floyd, Annette hugging c1.jpg
8/15/2017 8:10 PM 4453514 Annette in hospital 20170815_201005 Floyd, Annette hugging.jpg
8/15/2017 8:10 PM 4266452 Annette in hospital 20170815_201007 Floyd, Annette kissing.jpg
8/16/2017 9:51 AM 3905578 Annette in hospital 20170816_095159 sleeping.jpg
8/16/2017 12:25 PM 4646368 Annette in hospital 20170816_122528 lunch macaroni & cheese, mushroom soup, juice, pudding.jpg
8/16/2017 12:25 PM 4548794 Annette in hospital 20170816_122533 eating macaroni & cheese.jpg
8/20/2017 8:58 PM 4277475 Annette in hospital 20170816_150410 back home.jpg
8/16/2017 3:07 PM 35522791 Annette in hospital 20170816_150607 back home walking to chair.mp4
8/16/2017 7:23 PM 4883453 Annette in hospital 20170816_192313 back home playing cards.jpg
6/7/2021 9:17 PM 3358585 Annette in hospital 20210607_211739 Allan's 85th birthday card.jpg
6/7/2021 9:17 PM 3290384 Annette in hospital 20210607_211746 Allan's 85th birthday card.jpg
6/8/2021 7:51 PM 3384266 Annette in hospital 20210608_195155 on the phone with Isobel.jpg
6/8/2021 8:22 PM 4779266 Annette in hospital 20210608_202226 resting.jpg
6/8/2021 8:22 PM 4753073 Annette in hospital 20210608_202235 smiling.jpg
6/9/2021 5:16 PM 3597157 Annette in hospital 20210609_171621 Voltaren.jpg
6/9/2021 5:28 PM 3379275 Annette in hospital 20210609_172814 sipping coffee.jpg
6/9/2021 5:28 PM 3392274 Annette in hospital 20210609_172838 sipping coffee.jpg
6/9/2021 5:52 PM 1054803 Annette in hospital 20210609_175210 with Allan.jpg
6/9/2021 5:52 PM 3506940 Annette in hospital 20210609_175226 sleeping.jpg
6/9/2021 5:53 PM 15721268 Annette in hospital 20210609_175250 room panorama.jpg
6/9/2021 5:53 PM 10346734 Annette in hospital 20210609_175319 room panorama.jpg
9/9/2014 4:26 PM 1534524 Annette in hospital after lung powder surgery 20140909_162617.jpg
9/9/2014 4:35 PM 1420500 Annette in hospital after lung powder surgery 20140909_163512.jpg
9/9/2014 4:35 PM 1971966 Annette in hospital after lung powder surgery 20140909_163521.jpg
9/9/2014 4:35 PM 2040496 Annette in hospital after lung powder surgery 20140909_163525.jpg
9/9/2014 4:35 PM 1971148 Annette in hospital after lung powder surgery 20140909_163531.jpg
9/9/2014 4:45 PM 126554468 Annette in hospital after lung powder surgery 20140909_164447 with Glenn.mp4
9/9/2014 5:08 PM 1908309 Annette in hospital after lung powder surgery 20140909_170849.jpg
9/9/2014 5:20 PM 1773478 Annette in hospital after lung powder surgery 20140909_172024.jpg
9/9/2014 5:20 PM 1896010 Annette in hospital after lung powder surgery 20140909_172025.jpg
9/9/2014 5:25 PM 1916867 Annette in hospital after lung powder surgery 20140909_172502.jpg
9/9/2014 5:30 PM 2048319 Annette in hospital after lung powder surgery 20140909_173006.jpg
3/24/2020 6:09 AM 3491785 Annette in hospital for blood clot check 20200318_192611.jpg
3/24/2020 6:09 AM 1157012 Annette in hospital for blood clot check 20200318_192631.jpg
9/25/2018 3:45 PM 4497302 Annette in leather chair 20180925_154549.jpg
9/27/2011 8:13 AM 4367588 Annette in living room.JPG
5/29/2012 1:43 PM 896228 Annette in the mirror 20120529_134322.jpg
10/3/2018 5:33 PM 4752714 Annette laying down 20181003_173354.jpg
10/3/2018 5:34 PM 5798896 Annette laying down 20181003_173442.jpg
6/25/2016 3:52 PM 336717824 Annette letting go of 80 balloon 001.MOD
6/25/2016 3:55 PM 51380224 Annette letting go of 80 balloon 002.MOD
8/4/2017 12:31 PM 192900124 Annette not eating, no energy, weak 20170804_123044.mp4
2/10/2013 1:08 PM 42383360 Annette releasing balloon 2013-02-10 12-08-58.MOD
2/10/2013 10:19 PM 322417602 Annette releasing balloon ‎2013-02-10 0‏‎9-37-14 e1.wmv
2/10/2013 10:37 AM 305174528 Annette releasing balloon ‎2013-02-10 0‏‎9-37-14.MOD
9/7/2017 6:17 PM 3094001 Annette resting, Floyd shopping, Allan homeworking 20170907_181040 e1 writing.jpg
9/7/2017 6:10 PM 1289708 Annette resting, Floyd shopping, Allan homeworking 20170907_181040.jpg
1/5/2013 8:42 PM 1936876 Annette scowling IMG_20130105_194246.jpg
11/5/2018 10:30 PM 5663842 Annette stove soot scar on finger 20181105_213022.jpg
2/1/2012 6:13 PM 35283602 Annette teaching Floyd to play cards on computer 001.AVI
4/7/2018 10:11 PM 5452162 Annette Thompson 20180407_221138 covered in warm dryer blanket.jpg
4/7/2018 10:12 PM 5592235 Annette Thompson 20180407_221223 covered in warm dryer blanket.jpg
11/22/2024 7:28 PM 2915325 Annette Thompson 20241122_182847 ceramics 3 kids.jpg
6/19/2021 5:36 PM 86286 Annette Thompson Allan's memorial 20210615.pdf
11/5/2016 3:06 PM 486239667 Annette Thompson how to make stuffing 20161009_193804.mp4
1/18/2012 12:29 AM 75270586 Annette Thompson talk biopsy surgery 20120117_232300 s1.wmv
1/18/2012 12:02 AM 244968848 Annette Thompson talk biopsy surgery 20120117_232300.wmv
3/10/2017 7:25 PM 1316457 Annette Thompson talk Bud Bothom in hospital 20170310_182500.mp3
7/19/2012 8:12 AM 301312726 Annette Thompson talk her Mom (Louise Jenks) 001.wmv
11/3/2017 8:02 PM 4283340 Annette Thompson talk homesteading 20171103_202200.mp3
3/10/2017 7:20 PM 1403392 Annette Thompson talk moving from Cayer to Brandon 20170310_182000.mp3
8/5/2013 7:11 PM 86899430 Annette Thompson talk Smudge 20130805.AVI
6/18/2021 3:05 PM 454193 Annette vertigo 20180926_205151 trouble walking c1.jpg
9/27/2018 9:48 AM 5235490 Annette vertigo 20180926_205151 trouble walking.jpg
9/27/2018 9:47 AM 5235490 Annette vertigo 20180926_205151 warm moist cloths on ears.jpg
9/27/2018 9:55 AM 485448 Annette vertigo 20180926_215047 trouble walking c1.png
9/27/2018 9:47 AM 24968541 Annette vertigo 20180926_215047 trouble walking.mp4
7/22/2013 8:00 PM 86981642 Annette walking lots at home 20130722_200000.AVI
7/22/2013 7:23 PM 14476944 Annette walking lots Walmart 20130722_190300 e1 s1.wmv
7/22/2013 7:03 PM 22743770 Annette walking lots Walmart 20130722_190300.AVI
9/30/2018 9:51 AM 5511715 Annette warming up at heat register in morning 20180930_095116.jpg
6/18/2021 3:05 PM 442024 Annette wearing bicycle helmet 20200814_141920 c1.jpg
8/14/2020 2:19 PM 3604817 Annette wearing bicycle helmet 20200814_141920.jpg
6/18/2021 3:06 PM 402855 Annette wearing bicycle helmet 20200814_141949 c1.jpg
8/14/2020 2:19 PM 3615084 Annette wearing bicycle helmet 20200814_141949.jpg
11/21/2015 6:04 PM 204650 Annette with new pink necklace IMG_20130306_080129_1 c1.jpg
3/6/2013 9:01 AM 1560248 Annette with new pink necklace IMG_20130306_080129_1.jpg
2/7/2015 10:03 PM 18500 Annette with pink necklace 20150207_210334 s1.jpg
2/7/2015 10:03 PM 2848520 Annette with pink necklace 20150207_210334.jpg
2/7/2015 10:02 PM 17990 Annette with pink necklace, squinting 20150207_210259 s1.jpg
2/7/2015 10:02 PM 3013909 Annette with pink necklace, squinting 20150207_210259.jpg
10/28/2008 9:25 AM 280932 Annette with red roses 001.JPG
10/28/2008 9:26 AM 283811 Annette with red roses 002.JPG
10/28/2008 9:27 AM 282492 Annette with red roses 003.JPG
10/28/2008 9:27 AM 285967 Annette with red roses 004.JPG
1/14/2014 7:53 PM 2895128 Annette with silver cream and sugar bowls 20140114_185336.jpg
3/4/2013 11:24 PM 1976095 Annette's Barney's Motel staff pendant IMG_20130304_222456.jpg
3/4/2013 11:25 PM 2279011 Annette's Barney's Motel staff pendant IMG_20130304_222518.jpg
5/12/2013 1:26 PM 1770046 Annette's birthday 2013-05-12 13-26-40.jpg
9/30/2018 9:51 AM 3454910 Annette's breakfast muffin 20180930_095143.jpg
2/25/2013 7:04 PM 459140851 Annette's cancer checkup 20130225_175431.wmv
9/10/2015 5:57 PM 118627689 Annette's cancer report 20150910_175700.mp4
6/4/2013 4:15 PM 75671811 Annette's chemotherapy results 2013-06-04 16-15-10 high.wmv
6/4/2013 4:15 PM 15103347 Annette's chemotherapy results 2013-06-04 16-15-10 low.wmv
6/4/2013 4:15 PM 34855753 Annette's chemotherapy results 2013-06-04 16-15-10 med.wmv
10/2/2008 7:02 AM 288048 Annette's fingernails 001.JPG
10/2/2008 7:03 AM 284682 Annette's fingernails 002.JPG
12/21/2018 7:42 PM 1189658 Annette's gold Angela, Glenn, Justin necklace from Aizlynn 20181221_184216.jpg
12/21/2018 7:42 PM 1187914 Annette's gold Angela, Glenn, Justin necklace from Aizlynn 20181221_184233.jpg
12/21/2018 7:42 PM 1418517 Annette's gold Angela, Glenn, Justin necklace from Aizlynn 20181221_184251.jpg
12/21/2018 7:43 PM 1345890 Annette's gold Angela, Glenn, Justin necklace from Aizlynn 20181221_184312.jpg
12/21/2018 7:46 PM 1032110 Annette's gold Angela, Glenn, Justin necklace from Aizlynn 20181221_184620.jpg
8/30/2017 8:43 AM 3343426 Annette's grab bar (hand rail) near shower 20170822_135617.jpg
8/21/2017 9:40 PM 3877209 Annette's grab bars (hand rails) 20170821_214019.jpg
8/22/2017 9:50 AM 42796001 Annette's grab bars (hand rails)
8/22/2017 9:54 AM 24082505 Annette's grab bars (hand rails) 20170821_220651.webm
11/10/2011 11:08 PM 4164193 Annette's horseshoe scar on elbow 001.JPG
11/10/2011 11:09 PM 3637572 Annette's horseshoe scar on wrist 001.JPG
11/11/2019 7:35 PM 1921184 Annette's leftovers 20191111 183503.JPG
3/3/2019 6:17 PM 3506909 Annette's new farmer sweater 20190303_171758.jpg
3/3/2019 6:18 PM 1192722 Annette's new farmer sweater 20190303_171844.jpg
5/16/2013 9:36 AM 9365 Annette's note gone to hospital 2013-05-16.jpg
2/14/2013 6:47 PM 1642577 Annette's omelette IMG_20130214_174748.jpg
6/9/2013 3:11 PM 982864 Annette's red wheelchair IMG_20130504_125538 e1.jpg
5/4/2013 12:55 PM 2383411 Annette's red wheelchair IMG_20130504_125538.jpg
5/4/2013 12:56 PM 2172402 Annette's red wheelchair IMG_20130504_125659.jpg
5/4/2013 12:57 PM 1827499 Annette's red wheelchair IMG_20130504_125709.jpg
5/4/2013 12:57 PM 1995126 Annette's red wheelchair IMG_20130504_125731.jpg
5/4/2013 12:58 PM 1736554 Annette's red wheelchair IMG_20130504_125819.jpg
5/4/2013 12:58 PM 2002135 Annette's red wheelchair IMG_20130504_125829.jpg
6/9/2013 3:12 PM 561400 Annette's red wheelchair IMG_20130504_125959 c1.jpg
6/18/2021 3:07 PM 362790 Annette's red wheelchair IMG_20130504_125959 c2.jpg
5/4/2013 12:59 PM 1877663 Annette's red wheelchair IMG_20130504_125959.jpg
5/4/2013 1:00 PM 1747497 Annette's red wheelchair IMG_20130504_130008.jpg
5/4/2013 1:00 PM 1100497 Annette's red wheelchair IMG_20130504_130043.jpg
5/4/2013 1:00 PM 1423063 Annette's red wheelchair IMG_20130504_130057.jpg
5/4/2013 1:00 PM 8736002 Annette's red wheelchair VID_20130504_130021.avi
5/4/2013 1:00 PM 24532332 Annette's red wheelchair VID_20130504_130021.mp4
5/4/2013 1:08 PM 60005968 Annette's red wheelchair VID_20130504_130539.avi
5/4/2013 1:08 PM 159359289 Annette's red wheelchair VID_20130504_130539.mp4
2/15/2015 8:31 PM 3586980 Annette's rings 2006.01.16 08-20-36.JPG
2/15/2015 8:31 PM 3647669 Annette's rings 2015.02.15 19-31-54.JPG
2/20/2015 6:34 PM 6195181 Annette's rings Glenn's find 2015.02.35 19-31-01 e1 colour corrected.jpg
2/15/2015 8:31 PM 3616363 Annette's rings Glenn's find 2015.02.35 19-31-01.JPG
2/20/2015 6:35 PM 6274631 Annette's rings heart shaped 2015.02.15 19-31-54 e1 colour corrected.jpg
2/15/2015 8:31 PM 3678271 Annette's rings heart shaped 2015.02.15 19-31-54.JPG
3/29/2019 12:42 PM 4630440 Annette's slipper, pill (The Princess and the Pill) 20190329_124120.jpg
10/5/2019 11:56 AM 66023716 Annette's story of nurse stealing Symbicort 20170921_143322.mp4
8/22/2017 1:11 PM 4368422 Annette's walker Canadian Red Cross 20170822_131129.jpg
8/22/2017 1:11 PM 4348215 Annette's walker Canadian Red Cross 20170822_131155.jpg
8/30/2017 8:52 AM 4412895 Annette's walker Canadian Red Cross 20170822_131208.jpg
1/19/2012 1:51 PM 1169472 Annette, Allan in kitchen 01.jpg
2/14/2010 2:56 PM 195909632 Annette, Allan playing cards 20100214_135600.MOD
2/14/2010 4:02 PM 2092804096 Annette, Allan playing cards 20100914_150200.MOD
6/3/2012 2:13 PM 1296263 Annette, Floyd 23rd anniversary 001.jpg
6/3/2019 2:45 PM 1601249 Annette, Floyd 23rd anniversary 002 c1.jpg
6/6/2012 10:21 AM 1247481 Annette, Floyd 23rd anniversary 002 e1.jpg
6/3/2012 2:13 PM 1345090 Annette, Floyd 23rd anniversary 002.jpg
1/19/2012 1:51 PM 1319836 Annette, Floyd at Tim Hortons 001.jpg
6/30/2012 10:48 PM 6661973 Annette, Floyd doing jigsaw puzzle 001.wmv
11/3/2008 3:52 AM 262028 Annette, Floyd in hotel 001.JPG
11/3/2008 3:54 AM 284412 Annette, Floyd in hotel 002.JPG
11/3/2008 3:55 AM 282970 Annette, Floyd in hotel 003.JPG
11/3/2008 3:56 AM 267069 Annette, Floyd in hotel 004.JPG
11/3/2008 3:57 AM 280712 Annette, Floyd in hotel 005.JPG
2/6/2021 11:45 PM 183199 Annette, Floyd in hotel 006 c1.jpg
11/3/2008 3:57 AM 227947 Annette, Floyd in hotel 006.JPG
1/19/2012 1:50 PM 1305879 Annette, Floyd in kitchen 001.jpg
5/18/2018 4:12 PM 1278263 Annette, Floyd in living room 20180512_163618.jpg
9/9/2019 9:32 PM 3528466 Annette, Floyd playing cards (in mirror) 20190909_212423.jpg
9/23/2011 10:15 PM 4485508 Annette, Floyd sitting in den 001.JPG
8/6/2012 8:23 PM 1327095 Annette, Floyd sitting on bench outside 001.jpg
11/18/2021 11:05 AM 114473491 Annette, Floyd Thompson 20170611_114844_1 releasing Glenn's memorial balloon.mp4
6/3/2018 5:07 PM 4279230 Annette, Floyd Thompson 29 anniversary 20180603_170702 M&F's dinner.jpg
6/11/2018 3:27 PM 671263 Annette, Floyd Thompson 29 anniversary 20180603_170709 M&F c1 e1.jpg
6/11/2018 3:39 PM 1220330 Annette, Floyd Thompson 29 anniversary 20180603_170709 M&F c1 e2.jpg
6/11/2018 3:27 PM 615973 Annette, Floyd Thompson 29 anniversary 20180603_170709 M&F c1.jpg
6/3/2018 5:07 PM 4827573 Annette, Floyd Thompson 29 anniversary 20180603_170709 M&F.jpg
6/3/2018 5:07 PM 4632631 Annette, Floyd Thompson 29 anniversary 20180603_170714 Allan's dinner.jpg
6/3/2018 5:35 PM 4537530 Annette, Floyd Thompson 29 anniversary 20180603_173513 dessert menu.jpg
9/7/2008 7:32 AM 3643641 Annette, Floyd using Y&R web 001.JPG
9/7/2008 7:32 AM 4006829 Annette, Floyd using Y&R web 002.JPG
9/7/2008 7:33 AM 8173760 Annette, Floyd using Y&R web 003.AVI
9/7/2008 7:33 AM 15174032 Annette, Floyd using Y&R web 004.AVI
8/14/2016 11:52 PM 4882326 Annette, Floyd watching TV in living room 20160814_215248.jpg
8/14/2016 11:53 PM 5562520 Annette, Floyd watching TV in living room 20160814_215259.jpg
8/14/2016 11:53 PM 4605994 Annette, Floyd watching TV in living room 20160814_215307.jpg
10/10/2017 8:18 PM 2262702 Annette, Floyd watching TV in living room 20171010_201457.jpg
10/17/2014 12:17 PM 2198230 Annette, Floyd, Allan at Bully's 20141013_153446.jpg
2/15/2010 3:53 AM 12910592 Annette, Floyd, Allan driving off somewhere 20100215_105300.MOD
6/20/2017 9:08 AM 114473491 Annette, Floyd, Allan Glenn's birthday balloon 20170611_114844_1.mp4
9/3/2008 7:57 AM 630333438 Annette, Floyd, Allan playing cards 001.AVI
8/28/2008 8:18 AM 342650670 Annette, Floyd, Allan playing random bingo 001.AVI
8/28/2008 9:45 AM 2482432948 Annette, Floyd, Allan playing shit 001.AVI
10/11/2011 10:20 PM 1071350666 Annette, Floyd, Allan playing shit 002.wmv
10/11/2011 11:03 PM 1483169866 Annette, Floyd, Allan playing shit 003.wmv
10/11/2018 5:06 PM 1912386 Annette, Floyd, Allan, 2-for-1 at Joeys 20181011_170636.jpg
3/2/2023 10:53 AM <dir> cemetery
12/25/2012 9:04 PM 190264188 Christmas 2012-12-25 ‏‎18-46-31.wmv
10/27/2013 6:28 PM 3987208 desk 2013-10-27 18-28-57 Floyd relaxing in black leather chair.JPG
4/16/2023 9:12 AM <dir> eulogy pictures
5/15/2018 9:00 PM 983188 Extendicare extended 199406 Lethbridge Herald.png
8/31/2021 6:40 PM 53222871 Floyd message to Joelle 20210831_184018.mp4
8/31/2021 8:36 PM 53234179 Floyd message to Joelle
9/24/2011 10:23 AM 98201 Floyd reading paper 001.jpg
11/28/2024 3:17 PM <dir> Floyd yearbooks
9/7/2014 5:57 PM 2487487 Floyd's garage 2014-09-07 17-57-39.jpg
1/22/2014 4:41 PM 2726123 Floyd's scalp surgery 20140122_154145.jpg
1/22/2014 4:41 PM 3133201 Floyd's scalp surgery 20140122_154152.jpg
1/22/2014 4:42 PM 2651480 Floyd's scalp surgery 20140122_154212.jpg
1/22/2014 4:42 PM 2579841 Floyd's scalp surgery 20140122_154219.jpg
2/10/2014 11:25 PM 2264606 Floyd's scalp surgery 20140210_222504.jpg
2/10/2014 11:25 PM 2079196 Floyd's scalp surgery 20140210_222507.jpg
2/10/2014 11:25 PM 2243516 Floyd's scalp surgery 20140210_222512.jpg
9/30/2008 1:04 PM 280933 Floyd, Allan building TV stand 001.JPG
9/30/2008 1:04 PM 279059 Floyd, Allan building TV stand 002.JPG
9/30/2008 1:06 PM 279819 Floyd, Allan building TV stand 003.JPG
9/30/2008 2:32 PM 211130 Floyd, Allan building TV stand 004.JPG
9/4/2008 11:11 PM 25699120 Floyd, Allan covering in porch 001.AVI
9/4/2008 11:16 PM 141389388 Floyd, Allan covering in porch 002.AVI
9/4/2008 11:17 PM 6925204 Floyd, Allan covering in porch 003.AVI
7/19/2013 5:55 PM 1631937 Floyd, Annette at fish and chips restaurant 20130719_175524.jpg
6/18/2021 3:08 PM 689024 jigsaw puzzle 20150407_125225 Annette holding c1.jpg
4/7/2015 12:52 PM 2578465 jigsaw puzzle 20150407_125225 Annette holding.jpg
4/7/2015 12:52 PM 2348199 jigsaw puzzle 20150407_125235 Annette holding, Floyd taking picture.jpg
4/7/2015 12:52 PM 3595157 jigsaw puzzle 20150407_125257.jpg
1/1/2006 12:01 AM 4554111 Mom & Floyd doing jigsaw puzzle 001.JPG
1/1/2006 12:01 AM 4777447 Mom & Floyd doing jigsaw puzzle 002.JPG
1/1/2006 12:01 AM 4834881 Mom & Floyd doing jigsaw puzzle 003.JPG
7/27/2012 6:27 PM 1976655 Mom with new teeth 001.jpg
5/29/2018 2:05 PM 137615 Mother's Day 20140510_105812 c1.jpg
5/10/2014 10:58 AM 2479732 Mother's Day 20140510_105812.jpg
5/10/2014 10:58 AM 118842 Mother's Day 20140510_105817 s1.jpg
5/10/2014 10:58 AM 2499709 Mother's Day 20140510_105817.jpg
5/10/2014 10:58 AM 333106 Mother's Day 20140510_105830 blurry.jpg
4/16/2022 11:15 PM <dir> playing cards
12/4/2020 9:49 AM 1765443 Poor Little Rich Boy card from Annette 20201204_084818.jpg
11/30/2024 9:16 PM <dir> print
2/25/2013 11:31 PM 19328897 spying on Annette, Floyd watching TV MOV01B.wmv
10/7/2012 10:30 AM 1562457 Thanks Giving 2012-10-07 09-31-37.jpg
10/7/2012 10:29 AM 1671749 Thanks Giving 2012-10-07 09-31-48.jpg
10/11/2021 8:40 AM 15846018 Viewing for Annette Thompson (144).3gp
10/11/2021 8:38 AM 89117471 Viewing for Annette Thompson (360).mp4
10/11/2021 6:02 PM 298741558 Viewing for Annette Thompson (720).mp4