- /d/documents/pictures/Canada/properties/1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB/up/

[To Parent Directory]

11/2/2024 9:08 AM 2732841 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241018_145039 pre-reno kitchen.jpg
11/2/2024 9:08 AM 2228681 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241018_145146 fridge freezer.jpg
11/2/2024 9:08 AM 2437654 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241018_145151 fridge, Kelly's food.jpg
11/2/2024 9:08 AM 4312924 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241018_145230 pre-reno kitchen, Floyd.jpg
11/2/2024 9:08 AM 4720099 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241018_145322 pre-reno bathroom.jpg
11/2/2024 9:08 AM 3647507 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241018_145332 pre-reno bathroom.jpg
11/2/2024 9:08 AM 2375350 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241018_145400 pre-reno stairway.jpg
11/2/2024 9:08 AM 7527080 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241018_145413 pre-reno living room.jpg
11/2/2024 9:08 AM 3028362 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241018_145532 pre-reno living room.jpg
11/2/2024 9:08 AM 2881816 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241018_150753 pre-reno bathroom window screen.jpg
11/2/2024 9:08 AM 2379035 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241018_150813 pre-reno bathroom wall paint damage.jpg
11/2/2024 9:08 AM 2412739 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241018_150827 pre-reno flooring, toilet.jpg
11/2/2024 9:08 AM 2334245 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241018_152008 pre-reno electrical breaker panel.jpg
11/2/2024 9:08 AM 4125247 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241018_155240 pre-reno Kelly's bags left outside.jpg
10/31/2024 2:58 PM 3326309 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241031_145808 gas line in living room.jpg
10/31/2024 2:58 PM 2512752 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241031_145817 gas line in living room.jpg
10/31/2024 2:58 PM 2400978 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241031_145834 gas line in kitchen.jpg
10/31/2024 2:58 PM 2342669 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241031_145838 gas line in kitchen.jpg
11/25/2024 11:17 AM 205406 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241031_153247 kitchen elevation 001.jpg
11/4/2024 1:16 PM 7585461 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241104_121609 removing panelling, plaster.jpg
11/4/2024 1:16 PM 10560868 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241104_121623 removing panelling, plaster.jpg
11/4/2024 1:43 PM 2078009 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241104_124351 cut cabinet away from plumbing.jpg
11/4/2024 1:44 PM 4096277 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241104_124401 cut cabinet away from plumbing.jpg
11/4/2024 1:45 PM 2856264 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241104_124506 ktchen cabinet removed, base remaining.jpg
11/5/2024 3:15 PM 1020790 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241104_134139 wallpaper.jpg
11/4/2024 3:07 PM 3185938 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241104_140748 plumbing through wall.jpg
11/4/2024 3:52 PM 3450612 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241104_145256 metal plate in floor.jpg
11/4/2024 3:53 PM 2871339 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241104_145300 metal plate in floor.jpg
11/4/2024 3:57 PM 3174180 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241104_145703 black mould in floor.jpg
11/4/2024 3:59 PM 3659391 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241104_145901 black mould in floor.jpg
11/4/2024 4:34 PM 4833917 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241104_153419 layers of flooring.jpg
11/4/2024 4:52 PM 3750474 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241104_155250 plaster & lath boards.jpg
11/4/2024 5:47 PM 9046626 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241104_164741 the kitchen.jpg
11/10/2024 2:22 PM 4850349 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241110_132215 cut kitchen flooring into squares.jpg
11/10/2024 2:24 PM 4530743 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241110_132458 kitchen, tin can lid covering knot hole.jpg
11/10/2024 3:22 PM 4749390 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241110_142220 removing kitchen lath board, plaster inside wall.jpg
11/10/2024 3:22 PM 4281552 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241110_142234 removing kitchen lath board, plaster inside wall.jpg
11/10/2024 8:49 PM 570044596 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241110_150854 Allan pulling off kitchen lath boards.mp4
11/10/2024 5:49 PM 9150771 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241110_164925 kitchen lath boards removed.jpg
11/10/2024 9:59 PM 2181043 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241110_164945 kitchen lath boards removed.jpg
11/10/2024 5:53 PM 5146546 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241110_165338 pile of garbage for trailer.jpg
12/1/2024 2:35 PM 3321504 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241201_133517 Chrysler Town and Country 2010 with Rockwool, 2x2s.jpg
12/1/2024 4:23 PM 2202347 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241201_151501 Magic Chef refrigerator HMDR1000WF.jpg
12/1/2024 10:24 PM 573153 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241201_151612 Magic Chef refrigerator HMDR1000WF nameplate.jpg
12/1/2024 5:10 PM 3208242 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241201_161044 living room kitchen partition lath and plaster removal.jpg
12/1/2024 5:36 PM 2701804 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241201_163610 living room lath and plaster removal.jpg
12/1/2024 5:36 PM 2987355 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241201_163639 living room dust in walls.jpg
12/1/2024 5:38 PM 2856612 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241201_163821 living room dust, old insulation.jpg
12/1/2024 7:05 PM 3128224 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241201_180548 new Rockwoll 24'' R22 insulation.jpg
12/1/2024 7:05 PM 2911900 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241201_180555 living room lath and plaster removal.jpg
12/1/2024 7:06 PM 8354015 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241201_180601 living room lath and plaster removal.jpg
12/1/2024 7:06 PM 1207579 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241201_180628 Allan with mask.jpg
12/12/2024 4:19 PM 3294983 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241212_151928 first insulation furrow board.jpg
12/12/2024 4:20 PM 3290516 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241212_152000 first inulsation furrow board.jpg
12/13/2024 6:33 PM 4270491 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241213_173312 lath board, plaster, old insulation chucked down the stairs.jpg
12/13/2024 7:51 PM 2651503 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241213_185118 bare walls in stairwell.jpg
12/13/2024 7:51 PM 3116749 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241213_185128 bare walls in kitchen.jpg
12/13/2024 7:52 PM 8722150 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241213_185141 bare walls in stairwell.jpg
12/14/2024 2:09 PM 2619375 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241214_130902 kitchen bare walls, cleaned up.jpg
12/14/2024 2:09 PM 2448210 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241214_130907 bare stairwell walls, cleaned up.jpg
12/14/2024 2:09 PM 3277500 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241214_130917 bedroom, cleaned up (mostly).jpg
12/14/2024 3:11 PM 2965244 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241214_141137 dump run in 3735kg.jpg
12/14/2024 3:17 PM 4001057 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241214_141731 dump run with trailer.jpg
12/14/2024 3:38 PM 2415894 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241214_143814 dump run out 2910kg.jpg
12/14/2024 4:29 PM 2970371 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241214_152944 John, Home Depot helping to load kitchen.jpg
12/14/2024 9:49 PM 965344 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241214_153828 kitchen on the trailer.jpg
12/14/2024 9:52 PM 1960679 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241214_153836 kitchen on the trailer e1.jpg
12/14/2024 9:50 PM 1220154 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241214_153836 kitchen on the trailer.jpg
12/14/2024 5:20 PM 3917717 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241214_162024 kitchen on the trailer.jpg
12/14/2024 5:56 PM 2494354 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241214_165632 countertops stored.jpg
12/14/2024 5:56 PM 2458038 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241214_165645 countertops stored.jpg
12/14/2024 5:56 PM 2478541 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241214_165651 kitchen boxes stored.jpg
12/15/2024 2:23 PM 3062300 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241215_132312 furring 2x3s in kitchen.jpg
12/15/2024 2:23 PM 3162626 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241215_132322 furring 2x3s in kitchen, stairwell.jpg
12/16/2024 5:06 PM 3837328 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241216_160631 stack of proboard, 5-8 plywood on trailer, Logic Lumber.jpg
12/16/2024 5:49 PM 3914979 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241216_164918 proboard, plywood, vinyl flooring on trailer.jpg
12/16/2024 5:59 PM 3234088 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241216_165902 proboard, plywood, vinyl flooring on trailer.jpg
1/1/2025 1:41 PM 1010516 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241217_130351 Allan with proboard, plywood on trailer.jpg
12/17/2024 7:13 PM 2715118 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241217_181341 flooring plywood in bathroom.jpg
12/17/2024 7:13 PM 2227559 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241217_181348 flooring proboard in living room.jpg
12/17/2024 10:16 PM 3545398 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241217_211642 furring 2x3s in kitchen, stairwell.jpg
12/17/2024 10:16 PM 2905574 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20241217_211647 furring 2x2s in kitchen.jpg
1/2/2025 12:00 PM 5117431 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250102_110036 living room (bedroom) plywood.jpg
1/2/2025 12:01 PM 29206196 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250102_110111 parorama whole suite.jpg
1/2/2025 7:41 PM 2871124 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250102_120708 ventilation window fan.jpg
1/5/2025 9:18 AM 917877 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250102_131251 stuck in stairs with old gas range (stove).jpg
1/5/2025 9:18 AM 1341362 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250102_132026 stuck in stairs with old gas range.jpg
1/2/2025 2:22 PM 2378949 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250102_132231 old gas range.jpg
1/4/2025 4:47 PM 1202641 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250102_135412 stairwell walls stripped.jpg
1/2/2025 2:58 PM 3470380 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250102_135826 bricks inside walls.jpg
1/2/2025 3:09 PM 4389992 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250102_140927 laser level showing floor slope.jpg
1/2/2025 3:09 PM 3124466 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250102_140950 laser level showing slope (should be 1 5-8'').jpg
1/2/2025 3:56 PM 2917234 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250102_145618 top newel removed.jpg
1/2/2025 4:10 PM 3433213 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250102_151028 more plywood layed down.jpg
1/3/2025 12:46 PM 3275201 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250103_114635 attic, chimney.jpg
1/3/2025 12:46 PM 3012141 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250103_114644 attic.jpg
1/3/2025 12:46 PM 2691156 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250103_114659 attic.jpg
1/3/2025 12:47 PM 2619088 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250103_114708 attic, doorbell transformer.jpg
1/3/2025 12:47 PM 2817146 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250103_114726 attic.jpg
1/3/2025 12:56 PM 2642814 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250103_115626 cutting floor plywood.jpg
1/3/2025 1:31 PM 2606219 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250103_123110 inside floor cavity.jpg
1/3/2025 1:31 PM 2905488 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250103_123121 inside floor cavity, 1st floor bedroom light.jpg
1/5/2025 9:21 AM 1017147 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250103_155354 floor boards removed.jpg
1/3/2025 4:53 PM 3128910 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250103_155359 Sonopan soundproofing (11).jpg
1/3/2025 5:15 PM 2963004 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250103_161510 Sonopan soundproofing added to floor cavity.jpg
1/21/2025 1:45 PM 1364017 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250117_152151 soundproof insulation sandwich.jpg
1/17/2025 5:06 PM 2887854 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250117_160645 soundproof notch for electrical.jpg
1/17/2025 7:13 PM 3022407 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250117_181353 soundproof insulation sandwiches in stairway.jpg
1/17/2025 7:14 PM 2858779 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250117_181404 soundproof insulation sandwiches in stairway.jpg
1/20/2025 10:51 AM 3271853 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250120_095118 chimney removal begins.jpg
1/20/2025 10:52 AM 3799148 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250120_095246 chimney removal roof patch.jpg
1/20/2025 12:34 PM 3077708 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250120_113411 chimney removal to ceiling.jpg
1/20/2025 1:36 PM 3057036 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250120_123650 chimney removal half-way.jpg
1/20/2025 1:46 PM 3605206 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250120_124654 chimney removal nearly to floor.jpg
1/20/2025 4:44 PM 2389340 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250120_154427 chimney removal hole in ceiling.jpg
1/20/2025 4:44 PM 3546133 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250120_154430 chimney removal down to floor.jpg
1/20/2025 5:47 PM 2651504 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250120_164735 chimney removal down to floor, walls.jpg
1/20/2025 5:47 PM 3079132 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250120_164740 chimney removal down to floor.jpg
1/20/2025 5:47 PM 2671003 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250120_164745 chimney removal roof patch.jpg
1/20/2025 5:48 PM 3063430 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250120_164815 chimney removal workers' tools.jpg
1/20/2025 5:48 PM 2492423 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250120_164819 chimney removal coats.jpg
1/26/2025 10:21 AM 1189936 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250126_091241 planed and unplaned lath board.jpg
2/15/2025 1:00 PM 2707122 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250215_120039 landfill in 3695kg.jpg
2/15/2025 1:23 PM 3177136 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250215_122305 landfill out 2999kg.jpg
2/15/2025 1:51 PM 3264171 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250215_125155 roof truss ceiling nails.jpg
2/15/2025 1:52 PM 3246190 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250215_125209 roof trusses.jpg
2/15/2025 6:17 PM 2660152 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250215_171757 roof truss ceiling nails.jpg
2/15/2025 6:18 PM 1102801 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250215_171820 Allan pulling roof truss ceiling nails.jpg
2/15/2025 6:18 PM 3472656 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250215_171829 Floyd pulling roof truss ceiling nails.jpg
2/15/2025 6:34 PM 8102621 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250215_173447 new living room.jpg
2/15/2025 6:35 PM 5959160 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250215_173501 new kitchen.jpg
2/15/2025 6:35 PM 8526548 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250215_173511 new bedroom.jpg
2/17/2025 7:57 PM 951956 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250217_164039 stairway landing deconstruction.jpg
2/17/2025 5:40 PM 2839674 1403 3 Ave N Lethbridge AB up 20250217_164052 stairway landing deconstruction.jpg