- /d/documents/pictures/China/Hainan Island/Seonju/20070201-SJ/
[To Parent Directory]
2/15/2007 10:27 AM 4511154 4 people stand like trained army.JPG
2/15/2007 10:27 AM 3785840 AD-Hainan coffee.JPG
2/15/2007 10:27 AM 3764815 after fire game.JPG
2/15/2007 10:27 AM 4680959 Allan has lots of monkey fans.JPG
2/15/2007 10:27 AM 3358662 Allan in Sanya.JPG
2/15/2007 10:27 AM 3949347 at fruit shop.JPG
2/15/2007 10:27 AM 3719041 at morning market.JPG
2/15/2007 10:28 AM 5506681 at the entracne in monkey island.JPG
2/15/2007 10:28 AM 3094546 attractive looking to monkey.JPG
2/15/2007 10:28 AM 3799674 banana merchant.JPG
2/15/2007 10:28 AM 2768783 before getting gift.JPG
6/18/2015 8:43 PM 302279 before show starts c1.jpg
2/15/2007 10:28 AM 3594354 before show starts.JPG
2/15/2007 10:28 AM 4619318 big land.JPG
2/15/2007 10:28 AM 3825043 busy morning market.JPG
2/15/2007 10:28 AM 3638346 busy shopping.JPG
2/15/2007 10:28 AM 4207667 busy with cooking something.JPG
2/15/2007 10:28 AM 4161620 Buy bunch of bananas.JPG
2/15/2007 10:28 AM 4713192 cable car to monkey island.JPG
2/15/2007 10:28 AM 2603145 cable car to the monkey island.JPG
2/15/2007 10:28 AM 4868898 candy .JPG
2/15/2007 10:28 AM 2108373 check my bag by monkey.JPG
2/15/2007 10:28 AM 3035649 china airline.JPG
2/15/2007 10:28 AM 3832117 chinese tobacos.JPG
2/15/2007 10:28 AM 3743430 coconut juice ad everywhere.JPG
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 3610490 colorful fruts bargain.JPG
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 2976356 cooperation dog and monkey.JPG
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 2300637 Copy of i like palm tree etc.jpg
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 4164328 couple-2.JPG
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 4355086 courple.JPG
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 4184189 cross walking Korean and Chinese females.JPG
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 3969814 cute baby girl at fruit shop.JPG
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 3644269 cute girl.JPG
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 3762265 dangerous show.JPG
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 3401661 dear monkey. I am not rich.JPG
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 4640438 do not attck my home.JPG
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 3533066 empty cable car .is free^^.JPG
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 3571938 face expression started to change afraid.JPG
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 2083682 first meeting with monkey.jpg
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 3564400 first time no scary at all.JPG
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 1961810 fruit shop.jpg
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 3925306 furit shop.JPG
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 3647223 game.JPG
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 3906748 gas station.JPG
2/15/2007 10:29 AM 3716068 gave up everything.JPG
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 4993259 Glen Seonju Allan.JPG
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 1862162 glen shopping.jpg
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 3499009 glen teach how to take sony camera.JPG
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 4029011 green colored boats.JPG
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 2454352 green yard.jpg
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 2172343 happy memory with my olympus camera.jpg
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 1662397 hat shop.jpg
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 3219553 his eyes had big tension.JPG
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 4086914 hospital in sanya.JPG
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 2981713 how he can drive wow^.JPG
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 2693026 how the people are scary like William tale.JPG
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 5678376 huh working is hard.JPG
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 2970704 I am always interested in cafe in the world.JPG
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 2074289 I donot like being model without salary.jpg
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 1770585 i like palm tree etc.jpg
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 3666556 I love these blue shoes.JPG
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 3945707 I should have smiled.JPG
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 5803176 IMG_0045.JPG
2/15/2007 10:30 AM 6161617 IMG_0062.JPG
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 4009253 IMG_0154.JPG
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 4097276 IMG_0184.JPG
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 3181402 IMG_0257.JPG
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 3261667 IMG_0258.JPG
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 3741229 IMG_0259.JPG
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 4543656 IMG_0529.JPG
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 2973885 IMG_0543.JPG
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 4851943 let us go to monkey country.JPG
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 5890863 let us go to the summer land.JPG
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 3191018 maju -back side picture.JPG
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 2113520 memory in sanya.jpg
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 817277 model of Hainan coffee.jpg
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 2741336 monkey and Seonju.jpg
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 3969356 monkey at hainan.JPG
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 4170028 monkey can be friend.JPG
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 3401661 monkey catch my bag.JPG
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 6305008 monkey country-1.JPG
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 5362737 monkey do not interset in glen at all.JPG
2/15/2007 10:31 AM 2993225 monkey has to work for life.JPG
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 3127083 monkey is like baby.JPG
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 3049299 monkey might be trained.JPG
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 5896906 monkey saw them curiously.JPG
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 3365748 monkey seemd to get double eye line plastic surgery^.JPG
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 4316310 motorcycle anywhere.JPG
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 4119166 nervous looking.JPG
9/18/2007 9:18 PM 389811 no thinking c1.jpg
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 3099799 no thinking.JPG
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 5561674 palm tree or coconut tree.JPG
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 3202073 pretend to be cute -oh.JPG
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 3177852 really they like driving-question.JPG
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 4234650 rock and monkey, people-natural.JPG
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 4005464 scary monkey take bone.JPG
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 4534927 scary.JPG
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 1638150 seems mother and dauther.jpg
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 4496739 shop.JPG
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 1701122 shopping in sanya.jpg
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 1366887 shopping.jpg
2/15/2007 10:32 AM 2355844 short leg.jpg
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 4838126 show.JPG
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 1751274 shy -picture on road.jpg
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 1791272 shy.jpg
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 3040033 side face is more better.JPG
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 4677933 small green apple is sweet.JPG
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 1740883 smile for photo.jpg
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 3296779 smile from relief feeling.JPG
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 1457836 smile is better.jpg
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 1770687 smile is the best source for photo.jpg
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 3511066 still do not know the fear.JPG
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 4184085 still do not know why I langhed.JPG
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 3172188 take chicken in peaceful unlike chicken in marekt.JPG
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 4027848 terrible the chicken should see their family meat sales..JPG
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 3096119 terror.JPG
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 5166902 the lucky chicken.JPG
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 4630879 the only way to go out is for meat..sad.JPG
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 3894166 the sea is connected to pacific^.JPG
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 5135034 the village.JPG
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 1972974 their home in Hainan^.jpg
2/15/2007 10:33 AM 6687961 there is time glen concentrate on taking photo.JPG
2/15/2007 10:34 AM 3532882 tobagos in sanya.JPG
2/15/2007 10:34 AM 4075801 try to be close.JPG
2/15/2007 10:34 AM 4053030 vessel there.JPG
2/15/2007 10:34 AM 2337553 violet flowers.JPG
2/15/2007 10:34 AM 3544469 what I was doing-take a nap^.JPG
2/15/2007 10:34 AM 3939092 which fruit do you know^.JPG
2/15/2007 10:34 AM 3627299 why only one people have screm on face.JPG
2/15/2007 10:34 AM 4122408 why you stare at me^.JPG
2/15/2007 10:34 AM 3110687 wonderful talent.JPG
2/15/2007 10:34 AM 3995904 wonderful weather and wonderful canadians.JPG