- /d/documents/pictures/Korea/other/
[To Parent Directory]
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 41790 108b9c2b40b (woman who had a son showing breasts).jpg
3/6/2007 7:53 AM 382406 3M DWD chat with Aizlynn 001.JPG
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 323388 a million won (money) 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 104197 Aizlynn's handkerchief 001 snowflake.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 28073 Aizlynn's handkerchief 002 snowflake.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 39889 Aizlynn's handkerchief 003 snowflake.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 52482 Aizlynn's mobile phone picture 001.jpg
5/31/2006 7:43 PM 843069 Allan's Place advertisement.jpg
5/31/2006 7:43 PM 93795 bathroom stall with hole 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 353568 blue ink bath 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 316685 blue ink bath 002.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 161792 blurry picture (bookshelf) 001.jpg
2/3/2008 10:32 AM 3793511 boxes for KFC & Kleenex 001.JPG
2/3/2008 10:32 AM 3862257 boxes for KFC & Kleenex 002.JPG
12/31/1999 9:00 AM 225754 boxes of juice 001.JPG
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 37707 buchea (Korean coloured fans) 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 1213801 Budha's birthday in mountain temple (no sound).asf
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 148380 Bykiki electric scooter at Starbucks 001 with words.JPG
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 250049 Bykiki electric scooter at Starbucks 001.jpg
12/31/2005 8:53 PM 24840060 camera video test - Samsung 001.AVI
11/10/2006 7:53 PM 4549688 camera video test - Sanyo 001.wmv
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 23326 Cindy & Allan on mobile phone 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 37188 Cindy on PDA 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 81707 clay house 1 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 86085 clay house 1 002.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 81128 clay house 1 003.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 84057 clay house 1 004.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 43259 computer coffee cup holder 001.jpg
4/16/2022 11:15 PM <dir> farm
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 17679 file for root canal - 25mm 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 193867 flight from Seoul to Vancouver 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 172182 flight from Seoul to Vancouver 002.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 192625 flight from Seoul to Vancouver 003.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 202670 flight from Seoul to Vancouver 004.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 183020 flight from Seoul to Vancouver 005.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 203980 flight from Seoul to Vancouver 006.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 182773 flight from Seoul to Vancouver 007.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 197924 flight from Seoul to Vancouver 008.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 5577882 flight from Seoul to Vancouver 009.GIF
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 333824 flight from Seoul to Vancouver 010.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 273844 folk village - unknown 001.jpg
5/31/2006 7:43 PM 348253 foreigner in Starbucks ignoring me 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 67001 giant pile of homework to correct 001.jpg
5/31/2006 7:43 PM 144164 Goyang, Gyeonggi-do Office of Education 20060531 001.jpg
5/31/2006 7:43 PM 161364 Goyang, Gyeonggi-do Office of Education 20060531 002.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 8538 Haedyun (Hanyoung's girlfriend) 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 227158 housing 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 185480 HP repairman 6110xi printer 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 106187 Hyosung scooter 001.JPG
5/5/2007 12:18 AM 126136 jacket left in living room 001.JPG
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 1242917 jumping girl red miniskirt 001.jpg
1/13/2008 7:46 PM 75806 KINTEX airport express bus schedule 001.JPG
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 57183 Korail train tickets - Seoul to Wonju.gif
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 11194 Korando2 001.jpg
4/16/2022 11:15 PM <dir> Korean calendar
5/31/2006 9:24 PM 336662 laptop with Annette & Floyd's letter 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 56782261 leaving Korea - Inchon Airport, Suhan and mom, Hunmi's parents, airplane ride back to Canada 001.asf
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 227745 man sleeping in bookstore 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 119455658 mom's photos (Mom & Floyd's visit 2001).zip
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 238208 mom's photos sample (Mom & Floyd's visit 2001).jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 22928 money (1.47-million) from March 2004 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 391795 money 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 326273 money 002.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 61343 money 003.JPG
5/31/2006 7:43 PM 327191 money stack 3.7-million 001.jpg
5/31/2006 7:43 PM 331524 money stack 3.7-million 002.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 208720 mountain 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 114184 mountain landscape 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 256617 MSN webcam - Aizlynn, Allan 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 135651 new rain line connecting North & South Korea.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 36850 old money 001.jpg
5/31/2006 7:43 PM 521952 old singing woman (sound) 001.wav
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 161868 orange cat in basket 001.jpg
1/27/2009 10:20 PM 1279678 parade11 (Korean electric car).avi
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 266961 passport photo 2003-07-03.jpg
5/31/2006 7:42 PM 230454 pay phone off the hook 001.bmp
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 4472224 PDA playing online jazz from KPLU 001.MOV
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 1245765 PDA playing online jazz from KPLU 001.rm
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 949466 PDA playing online jazz from KPLU 001.wmv
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 23099 PDA Windows Media error 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 21889 PDA with Skype 001 small.JPG
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 96524 PDA with Skype 001.JPG
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 261840 pilot of Asiana airplane, Soonchun to Seoul 001.wav
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 99618 pouch from Cindy 002.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 74207 rice field 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 67018 rice field 002.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 25407 Samsung laptop broken housing 001.JPG
12/5/2008 7:48 PM 75378 second cup of coffee 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 1149384 Seoul Christmas tree 001.jpg
10/27/2008 7:47 PM 4181664 Shinhan bank online glitch 001.wmv
4/16/2022 11:15 PM <dir> solar eclipse (partial) 2009-07-22
5/1/2009 9:05 PM 202527 sorting through flashcards 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 351201 staring person 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 2475074 sticky cleaner 001.asf
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 331506 stormy skies in Kuaesan, Choongook province (trip to Lynn & Richard's wedding 2003) 001.jpg
1/29/2010 11:42 PM 7293858 strange flame on candle 001.wmv
5/2/2007 4:21 AM 112283 student's jacket 001.JPG
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 335976 students' homework to correct 001.JPG
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 16917 tree day 2001 in South Korea.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 18340 tuition envelopes from Christmas 2005 001.jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 60408 Typhoon Maemi 001 (htm_2003091502330790009040-001).jpg
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 47593 Typhoon Maemi 002 (htm_2003062801315090009040-001).jpg
7/20/2009 4:05 PM 49893770 video phone call online with Aizlynn 001.wmv
1/6/2008 3:07 AM 405446 video test at Yongsan 001.wmv
5/31/2006 9:25 PM 42416 videophone picture 001.jpg