- /d/documents/pictures/new/2014-11-19 phone/
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11/19/2014 4:53 PM 286624 19691231_170000_771980276.jpg
11/19/2014 12:08 PM 111042 Acer laptop touchpad 20141119_110811.jpg
11/19/2014 4:53 PM 55360 Allan face laying on back 1416437610142.jpg
9/28/2014 2:43 PM 288417 Allan phone face recognition 19691231_170000_1684016006.jpg
11/12/2014 4:28 PM 158181 Annette with puzzle book 20141112_152805.jpg
11/12/2014 4:28 PM 163827 Annette with puzzle book 20141112_152835.jpg
11/11/2014 10:45 PM 128710 Annette's flowers 20141111_214506.jpg
11/11/2014 2:58 PM 2733111 Annette, Floyd with new microwave 20141111_135802.jpg
11/11/2014 2:59 PM 2161988 Annette, Floyd with new microwave 20141111_135906.jpg
11/12/2014 4:46 PM 144152 chicken stock in freezer 20141112_154630.jpg
11/11/2014 1:56 PM 1716209 Danby Designer DMW799W microwave oven for van 20141111_125622.jpg
11/11/2014 5:08 PM 155250 Danby Designer DMW799W microwave oven for van 20141111_160833.jpg
7/5/2014 4:20 PM 118849 Dodge motorhome on 13 St S for sale IMG-20140705-WA0000.jpg
7/5/2014 4:20 PM 110583 Dodge motorhome on 13 St S for sale IMG-20140705-WA0001.jpg
6/24/2014 5:11 PM 2404084 Dodge Ram 250 campervan for sale IMG-20140624-WA0000.jpg
10/11/2014 4:22 PM 2659662 Dodge Tradesman 200 Funcraft 1978 IMG-20141011-WA0000 plugged in, charging.jpg
4/26/2014 6:37 PM 176938 Easter in BC 20140426_183758.jpg
4/26/2014 6:38 PM 133197 Easter in BC 20140426_183808.jpg
11/11/2014 3:34 PM 138736 Glenn's wood sketches 20141111_143415.jpg
10/24/2014 12:40 PM 283804 IMG_20141024_124051.jpg
11/2/2014 1:21 PM 31885 IMG_32922822462258.jpeg
11/2/2014 1:25 PM 39705 IMG_33145972103617.jpeg
11/10/2014 4:30 PM 1655411 Levis jeans models at Mark's Work Wearhouse 20141110_153043.jpg
9/23/2014 12:33 PM 2177216 Margaret doing EFW reports on laptop 1411497209276.jpg
9/20/2014 7:17 AM 474392 SpyPhoto_20140920_071716869.jpg
11/9/2014 11:35 AM 1865276 Starbucks drive-through in snow 20141109_103531.jpg